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Simple Ways to Be More Efficient at a Jobsite

Whether you are a worker trying to get the job done so you can go home more quickly, or you are in charge of multiple employees in the construction industry and tasked with meeting a deadline, efficiency on the jobsite is important. And efficiency is more than just getting things done.

These tips will help you build an efficiency plan for your construction project and accomplish more—while you are working and during the course of planning too.

Prepare Your Tools and Equipment

The tools and equipment you use to get the job done need cleaning, organizing and maintenance. Instead of waiting until you are on the job site, why not do this ahead of time? Preparing your tools and equipment is something that can be done at any time—do not waste that precious time you have on the clock and keep labor costs down.

Create a Plan for Each Day

Use a calendar, spreadsheet or your smartphone to create a plan for the day. When you have the work written out where everyone can see it, you will know where you stand in terms of the day’s work.

Build a Task List

In addition to your daily agenda, build a task list for the entire construction project. When you have even a simple list in place, you will be able to see how the job is coming along and how you can best plan for the days ahead.

Keep Track of the Staff

It’s important that you know exactly how many people will be at the site on any given day—as well as how many hours each staff member worked. Having a good time tracking plan and jobsite efficiency software in place, as well as a qualified project manager, can be key to keeping things in order.


Analysis of how your current strategies are working is a very important step in planning for future projects. What works and what doesn’t? Where can you make improvements? All of this information is important for you today and in the future too.

Do not be afraid to try something new when it comes to improving efficiency. You never know what is going to work best for your particular needs until you see the plan in action. Then, once you have an idea what is and is not working, you can figure out all the little details that will give you the best possible results.